Episode 76

Breast Implants and Health: Kasey Dixon Shares Her Experience


July 26th, 2024

35 mins 32 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

Sometimes, individuals undergo breast augmentation or other cosmetic procedures without fully understanding the potential long-term implications. Often, the focus is primarily on the immediate aesthetic outcomes or the desire to meet certain beauty standards. This lack of awareness can lead to unforeseen health issues and emotional distress, as individuals may not be prepared for or informed about the possible adverse effects that can arise post-procedure.

Today's episode features one of our clients, Kasey Dixon, who has been open about her breast augmentation journey on Instagram. Kasey has shared her experiences candidly, including the challenges and insights she has gained throughout her process.

Reasons for Breast Augmentation Surgery and Post-surgery Complications

Barbie and other pop culture icons such as Pamela Anderson from Baywatch, have had a profound impact on personal decisions. In fact, these make a lasting impression during many individuals’ formative years, shaping their perceptions of beauty and influencing their choice to pursue breast augmentation.

However, Kasey was initially surprised by the influence of cultural norms on her decision to get breast augmentation considering that many women in her social circle had already undergone breast augmentation, which made it seem more like a standard and normalized practice. For her, the motivation was simply to add some volume rather than seeking dramatic changes in breast size. At the time, she did not consider potential health impacts or the need for future replacements, as these were not part of the discussion.

There was no pushback or significant questioning from Kacey's surroundings, as breast augmentation was seen as a routine choice. She mentioned that during her initial consultations, other options such as fat transfer were not discussed, possibly due to the standard practices of that era and the availability of such procedures 20 years ago.

Young adults are often resolute in their decisions regarding breast augmentation, which makes it particularly challenging to change their minds once they have made a choice. This is often rooted in a combination of personal conviction, cultural influences, and a strong desire to achieve a specific body image. For many, the decision to undergo cosmetic surgery is influenced by deeply ingrained perceptions of beauty and self-esteem that have been shaped over time by societal standards, media portrayals, and personal experiences.

Kasey’s journey also included a transition from saline implants, which she initially received in 2005, to silicone implants in 2010. She experienced complications with her saline implant shifting out of position and sought correction from a different surgeon.

In reconstructive surgery, especially for cancer patients, complications frequently arise due to factors like chemotherapy, radiation, and infections, which can affect healing and cause issues such as implant malposition. Even with surgical interventions to correct these problems, implants often shift because of the patient's daily activities and movement. In Kasey’s case, her silicone implants, which were meant to resolve earlier issues, ended up facing the same problems, as they were unable to stay properly positioned due to her active lifestyle.

Postpartum Symptoms and their Physical Manifestations, Including Brain Fog, Nerve Pain, and Scalp Pain

When the immune system detects implants as foreign materials, it can initiate an inflammatory response as it attempts to protect the body from these perceived threats. This inflammation can manifest in various ways, including symptoms such as brain fog, nerve pain, and scalp pain.

Kasey experienced brain fog, characterized by memory issues and confusion, along with nerve pain in her neck and back, which caused headaches and scalp discomfort. However, she attributed these symptoms to postpartum fatigue and stress.

She had planned to have her implants removed but chose to wait until her children were older. Over time, her symptoms persisted and did not improve despite various remedies, leading her to suspect a connection to her breast implants rather than just postpartum changes. Despite trying cold therapy and other lifestyle changes, her condition only improved after her implants were removed.

Risks of Sauna Use with Breast Implants

During Kasey's consultation, I advised her to avoid using saunas, particularly those with high temperatures. This recommendation was based on observations from other patients, where exposure to extreme heat from saunas appeared to increase heavy metal toxicity from degraded implants, leading to worsened symptoms. Despite the lack of concrete evidence on how high temperatures impact implants, the cautious approach was to prevent potential health risks associated with sauna use.

Kasey found the advice to avoid saunas sensible, particularly considering her own genetic predispositions that affect detoxification. Her experience, combined with observations from other patients who had similar issues with high-temperature environments, reinforced the importance of steering clear of saunas until more is understood about their impact on health.

Detoxification and Its Impact on Health, Including a Patient's Experience with the CellCore Detox Program

Functional genomics is a big change, significantly enhancing our understanding since the completion of the Human Genome Project. These advancements have enhanced our understanding of genetic pathways related to detoxification, such as vitamin D metabolism, methylation, and antioxidant functions, as well as hormone metabolism, mood, and sleep.

Kasey's situation illustrates how her genetic limitations in detoxification have impacted her recovery process. Despite her efforts and the use of detox programs like CellCore, she initially had a tough time. Recent tests showed increased levels of toxins, which might suggest that her liver is becoming more effective at removing these substances from her body.

Guided by a detox expert, she has been following a tailored detox plan and specific supplementation regimen. She has been feeling generally well, with good energy levels despite some fatigue during the detox process. The ongoing detox efforts and tailored supplementation are helping improve her overall condition and liver function.

As Kasey nears the end of her detox program, ongoing work will be necessary to address her condition. There is no single test that can definitively diagnose breast implant illness, but advancements are being made in this area. Researchers are exploring new methods to better understand inflammation levels and related symptoms.

Current testing methods like sed rate and CRP tests are insufficient for accurately diagnosing breast implant-related issues. With ongoing studies and research into bacterial contaminants like staphylococcus epidermidis and biofilms, more accurate diagnostic tools are being developed to improve patient care and treatment outcomes.

Breast Reconstruction, Mental Preparation, and Support

For future patients considering breast reconstruction, it’s crucial to understand that recovery takes time, both physically and mentally. While many people focus on the cosmetic outcome, it’s essential to allow the body to heal fully, including detoxifying and adjusting to new physical changes.

The process of reversing cosmetic procedures can be challenging, and achieving a baseline look and feel may be difficult. In Kasey's case, I recommended a fat transfer to improve her appearance due to her low BMI, even though she was initially hesitant. This approach aimed to help her achieve a more natural look and feel.

For many patients, including Kasey, the decision to undergo breast augmentation or reconstruction involves more than just physical changes; it also affects their mindset. As people age, gain weight, or experience hormonal changes, their physical appearance can shift, making it important to address these changes with procedures like fat transfers to restore volume.

However, a significant aspect that is often overlooked is the mental adjustment required. Patients may face challenges such as trauma, guilt, or shame when dealing with the reversal of cosmetic procedures, and these emotional factors can impact their overall well-being. To support patients better, there is a need for programs that offer more comprehensive mindset support, acknowledging the psychological effects that accompany physical changes.

Remember that mental mindset plays a crucial role in the perception and experience of symptoms related to breast implant illness. A negative mindset can exacerbate symptoms like fatigue, pain, and nerve issues, similar to how certain therapies can trigger responses in the body.

Support systems are indeed crucial for recovery, and Kasey’s supportive partner plays a key role in her healing process. Emotional support and practical assistance from someone close can significantly impact the recovery experience, especially when dealing with mental and emotional challenges of breast reconstruction.

Check out Kasey’s website (https://www.sbkliving.com/) and connect with her on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/sbkliving/)!

Links and Resources

Let’s Connect...
Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/breast-implant-illness/id1678143554
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1SPDripbluZKYsC0rwrBdb?si=23ea2cd9f6734667
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@drrobertwhitfield?_t=8oQyjO25X5i&_r=1
IG: https://www.instagram.com/breastimplantillnessexpert/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/DrRobertWhitfield
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-robert-whitfield-md-50775b10/
X: https://x.com/rob_whitfieldmd
Read this article - https://www.breastcancer.org/treatment/surgery/breast-reconstruction/types/implant-reconstruction/illness/breast-implant-illness
Shop: https://drrobssolutions.com
SHARP: https://www.harp.health
NVISN Labs - https://nvisnlabs.com/

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