Explant Breast Surgery & Recovery
Explant, Explant Recovery, Explant and Lift Recovery
We found 10 episodes of Explant Breast Surgery & Recovery with the tag “breast implant illness”.
Episode 40: What Are the Treatment Options for Breast Implant Illness?
November 16th, 2023 | 7 mins 14 secs
autoimmune reactions, breast implant illness, breast implants, chronic fatigue, chronic inflammation, cognitive issues, inflammation, joint pain
Breast implant illness continues to be a condition struggling for recognition within the medical community. While this condition entails various symptoms that can be as diverse as chronic fatigue, joint pain, cognitive issues, and even autoimmune reactions, making it a complex and often perplexing condition to diagnose and treat, the approach to treating breast implant illness has evolved significantly over the years.
In this episode, we delve into the treatment options for breast implant illness, exploring the journey from surgical removal to a more personalized and holistic approach aimed at addressing the root causes of this condition and restoring patients' health and well-being.
Episode 39: Are Certain Types of Implants More Likely to Cause Breast Implant Illness?
November 9th, 2023 | 7 mins 7 secs
breast augmentation, breast implant illness, breast implant illness symptoms, breast implant migration, breast implants, breast reconstruction
One of the frequent significant concerns that I get concerning Breast Implant Illness (BII) is its potential association with the type of breast implants used. This is in line with health issues regarding some implants like textured implants, which have garnered more attention due to their close connection to conditions like anaplastic large cell lymphoma.
As we aim to uncover more about the complexities surrounding breast implant illness, this is another episode that will surely provide insights into the potential influence of various implant characteristics on the development of breast implant illness.
Episode 31: Does Breast Implant Illness Decrease Libido?
September 14th, 2023 | 9 mins 27 secs
breast implant illness, gut health, libido, vitamin d in women, women's decreased libido, women's energy level, women's genetic makeup, women's libido, women's metabolism, women's sexual function
Breast Implant Illness (BII) symptoms affect every system of the body, even gut health. In fact, many patients encounter chronic inflammation, a common symptom of BII, and can have a cascading effect on the gut. Inflammation in the body can disrupt the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal system and can disrupt the balance of hormones like estrogen and testosterone, potentially leading to reduced libido.
While the impact of breast implants on aesthetics and confidence is well-known, the effects on overall health, including sexual health, are equally important and deserve our attention. That is why in today’s episode, we’ll be talking about breast implant illness in relation to libido. -
ENCORE: What to Expect from A Breast Implant Illness (BII) Consultation
August 31st, 2023 | 14 mins 1 sec
autoimmune responses, breast implant illness, breast implants, neural inflammation, neurological symptoms, research, symptoms
A breast implant illness consultation (or discovery session, as we like to call it) with Dr. Rob is an in-depth exploration of symptoms and potential causes of BII. The purpose of the discovery session is for women affected by this chronic illness to get much-needed answers.
Having consulted with over 800 patients, Dr. Robert Whitfield is well-versed in the patterns and symptoms affecting women experiencing chronic illness. Thorough and cohesive, the discovery session addresses a range of conditions including brain fog, GI issues, diet, and autoimmune disease, eliminating the need for multiple specialists.
Dr. Rob devotes as much time as needed to understand each individual’s unique situation, ensuring the path forward is effective and delivers much-needed healing and a speedy recovery for patients.
ENCORE: Are Your Breast Implants Making You Sick?
August 24th, 2023 | 18 mins 12 secs
autoimmune responses, breast implant illness, breast implants, neural inflammation, neurological symptoms, research
Women who believe their implants are making them sick report a wide range of symptoms including extreme fatigue, muscle and joint pain, headache, brain fog, hair loss, rashes, dry mouth and eyes, depression, anxiety, and insomnia.
These conditions appear within a few months to several years following surgery, and seem to more often follow a secondary surgery like revision or exchange. But the exact cause is difficult to pin down because other conditions like Lyme disease and toxic mold exposure can cause similar symptoms.
Using PCR testing (instead of traditional CLIA-based lab testing), Dr. Rob discovered that over 60% of the breast implants he removed all had one thing in common.
Dr. Rob describes his methodology for identifying this complicated, misunderstood condition and shares his treatment strategies utilizing nutrition and genetic testing to put his patients on the path to healing.
ENCORE: What the Lab Actually Found On My BII Patient’s Breast Implants
August 17th, 2023 | 15 mins 20 secs
breast explant surgery, breast implant illness, breast implants, breast surgery
Dr. Rob tells the story of a patient whose labs were normal but her health wasn’t, and how this case led him to analyze implants in a new way (and the shocking findings).
So many women with breast implants experience the same symptoms of extreme fatigue, general malaise, and chronic aches and pains, yet their tests routinely come back with nothing.
In this second episode of our series about Breast Implant Illness, Dr. Rob describes how PCR testing (the same that detects COVID-19) delivers the long-needed answers that finally put BII sufferers on the road to recovery. -
Episode 28: The Symptoms of Breast Implant Illness: How to Identify and Treat
July 27th, 2023 | 16 mins 6 secs
autoimmune responses, breast implant illness, breast implants, neural inflammation, neurological symptoms, research
Breast Implant Illness is a point of concern and a topic of debate by many especially women, plastic surgeons, and medical professionals, as it can manifest itself in several symptoms. However, there are limited tools and resources for such a condition, which is why many people still don’t know much about it.
It is thus crucial for us to understand the symptoms and other potential risks associated with breast implant illness. That is why we’re here to delve deeper into understanding the truth about breast implant illness. In today’s episode, we’ll discuss research, treatment options, and more information to educate more people and raise awareness.
Episode 23: What is the Process for Having Breast Explant Surgery?
June 22nd, 2023 | 9 mins 3 secs
breast explant surgery, breast implant illness, breast implants, breast surgery
Episode 19: A Breast Explant Journey: From Sickness to Restored Health with Candice Barley
May 30th, 2023 | 1 hr 36 mins
breast i'plant, breast implant illness, breast implants, neural inflammation, neurological symptoms
Episode 18: What are the Reasons for Having Breast Explant Surgery?
May 25th, 2023 | 7 mins 21 secs
breast explant surgery, breast implant illness, breast implants, breast surgery
Breast augmentation or breast implant surgery has become a more popular surgical procedure throughout the years for various reasons. While it has many benefits, it also comes with potential risks such as capsular contracture, infection, breast implant illness, and more.