Explant Breast Surgery & Recovery

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

106 episodes of Explant Breast Surgery & Recovery since the first episode, which aired on March 15th, 2023.

  • Episode 36: Do Breast Explant Surgery Patients Also Need a Lift?

    October 19th, 2023  |  6 mins 48 secs
    breast explant surgery, breast implant illness treatment, breast implants, breast lift, dr. rob's solutions, explant surgery, explants, fat transfer

    Breast explant surgery represents a significant juncture for patients who have previously undergone breast augmentation, a procedure often embraced to enhance one's physical appearance and self-confidence. However, as time unfolds and perspectives evolve, some individuals opt to have their implants removed and return to a more natural state. We are thus faced with an important question of whether or not breast explant surgery patients also need a breast lift.

    In today’s episode, I’ll discuss an important topic, breast explantation, and how it relates to breast lifts. We’ll explore the various factors that play a role in making this decision Join me for an insightful discussion on this subject.

  • Episode 35: Can Breast Implant Illness Cause Long-Term Health Issues?

    October 12th, 2023  |  7 mins 46 secs
    beast implant illness, breast health, breast implants, chronic inflammation, inflammation, reducing inflammation, women's health

    Individuals with breast implant illness experience a range of health issues, attributing them to the presence of their breast implants. One of the main concerns associated with breast implant illness is its potential connection to chronic inflammation, which can have far-reaching implications for long-term health.

    Understanding the relationship between breast implant illness, chronic inflammation, and long-term health effects is critical for individuals considering or living with breast implants, as well as for healthcare professionals involved in their care and well-being. In this episode, we delve into the intricate interplay between breast implant illness and the potential lasting impact on an individual's health.

  • Episode 34: Why Does Dr. Whitfield Not Use Drains?

    October 5th, 2023  |  8 mins 49 secs
    breast explant surgery, breast implant illness treatment, breast implants, dr. rob's solutions, explant surgery, explants, fat transfer, surgical drains

    Drains play a crucial role in breast implant procedures because they help reduce post-operative swelling by preventing fluid accumulation and minimizing any infection risks. That is why I’m often asked why I don’t use drains for breast implant procedures.

    This dates back to an experience that sparked my interest in offering more fat transfer options to patients, particularly those dealing with breast implant illness. It's all about providing the best care and experience for our valued patients and that’s going to be our focus for today’s episode.

  • Episode 33: How do I discuss Breast Implant Illness with My Doctor?

    September 28th, 2023  |  7 mins 7 secs
    beast implant illness, breast health, breast implants, chronic inflammation, inflammation, reducing inflammation, women's health

    Breast Implant Illness (BII), a term used to describe a collection of symptoms that some women experience after undergoing breast augmentation or reconstruction surgery with implants, remains a condition that’s not yet widely acknowledged by many in the medical field although there are many women suffering from it.

    Many doctors and surgeons may not be well-versed in BII, which can result in misdiagnosis or underdiagnosis, leaving patients struggling to find solutions to their health concerns. That’s why it’s vital to explore more about breast implant illness and dive deep into this topic to take control of your health and wellness. Consider this episode a valuable resource for you to improve how to discuss breast implant illness with your doctor or patients.

  • Episode 32: How Does a Fat Transfer Work with Breast Explant Surgery?

    September 21st, 2023  |  11 mins 14 secs
    breast explant surgery, breast implant illness treatment, breast implants, dr. rob's solutions, explant surgery, explants, fat transfer

    For over 100 years in the field of aesthetics and medical surgery, operations to remove fats have been done. Fat transfers can be successful when approached strategically, considering individual factors to optimize results.

    In my approach to breast implant removal surgery and fat transfer, I strive to create an optimal experience for every client. By combining fat transfer with planned surgery, we aim to enhance outcomes uniformly across various body types and ages.

  • Episode 31: Does Breast Implant Illness Decrease Libido?

    September 14th, 2023  |  9 mins 27 secs
    breast implant illness, gut health, libido, vitamin d in women, women's decreased libido, women's energy level, women's genetic makeup, women's libido, women's metabolism, women's sexual function

    Breast Implant Illness (BII) symptoms affect every system of the body, even gut health. In fact, many patients encounter chronic inflammation, a common symptom of BII, and can have a cascading effect on the gut. Inflammation in the body can disrupt the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal system and can disrupt the balance of hormones like estrogen and testosterone, potentially leading to reduced libido.
    While the impact of breast implants on aesthetics and confidence is well-known, the effects on overall health, including sexual health, are equally important and deserve our attention. That is why in today’s episode, we’ll be talking about breast implant illness in relation to libido.

  • Episode 30: Does Breast Implant Illness Cause Weight Gain?

    September 8th, 2023  |  8 mins 9 secs
    beast implant illness, breast health, breast implants, chronic inflammation, inflammation, leaky gut, swelling, weight gain, women's health

    One of the most common observations that I have from my breast implant patients, particularly those experiencing breast implant illness, is that they experience a gradual or rapid weight gain after some time. While breast implants themselves do not directly cause weight gain, there can be various factors that lead to this connection.

  • ENCORE: What to Expect from A Breast Implant Illness (BII) Consultation

    August 31st, 2023  |  14 mins 1 sec
    autoimmune responses, breast implant illness, breast implants, neural inflammation, neurological symptoms, research, symptoms

    A breast implant illness consultation (or discovery session, as we like to call it) with Dr. Rob is an in-depth exploration of symptoms and potential causes of BII. The purpose of the discovery session is for women affected by this chronic illness to get much-needed answers.

    Having consulted with over 800 patients, Dr. Robert Whitfield is well-versed in the patterns and symptoms affecting women experiencing chronic illness. Thorough and cohesive, the discovery session addresses a range of conditions including brain fog, GI issues, diet, and autoimmune disease, eliminating the need for multiple specialists.

    Dr. Rob devotes as much time as needed to understand each individual’s unique situation, ensuring the path forward is effective and delivers much-needed healing and a speedy recovery for patients.

  • ENCORE: Are Your Breast Implants Making You Sick?

    August 24th, 2023  |  18 mins 12 secs
    autoimmune responses, breast implant illness, breast implants, neural inflammation, neurological symptoms, research

    Women who believe their implants are making them sick report a wide range of symptoms including extreme fatigue, muscle and joint pain, headache, brain fog, hair loss, rashes, dry mouth and eyes, depression, anxiety, and insomnia.

    These conditions appear within a few months to several years following surgery, and seem to more often follow a secondary surgery like revision or exchange. But the exact cause is difficult to pin down because other conditions like Lyme disease and toxic mold exposure can cause similar symptoms.

    Using PCR testing (instead of traditional CLIA-based lab testing), Dr. Rob discovered that over 60% of the breast implants he removed all had one thing in common.

    Dr. Rob describes his methodology for identifying this complicated, misunderstood condition and shares his treatment strategies utilizing nutrition and genetic testing to put his patients on the path to healing.

  • ENCORE: What the Lab Actually Found On My BII Patient’s Breast Implants

    August 17th, 2023  |  15 mins 20 secs
    breast explant surgery, breast implant illness, breast implants, breast surgery

    Dr. Rob tells the story of a patient whose labs were normal but her health wasn’t, and how this case led him to analyze implants in a new way (and the shocking findings).

    So many women with breast implants experience the same symptoms of extreme fatigue, general malaise, and chronic aches and pains, yet their tests routinely come back with nothing.
    In this second episode of our series about Breast Implant Illness, Dr. Rob describes how PCR testing (the same that detects COVID-19) delivers the long-needed answers that finally put BII sufferers on the road to recovery.

  • ENCORE: What I've Learned From 500+ Breast Implant Removals

    August 10th, 2023  |  17 mins 59 secs
    breast explant surgery, breast implant illnes, breast implants, breast surgery

    Since 2016, more than 500 women suffering from breast implant illness (BII) have asked Dr. Rob for help removing their breast implants. This is the story of his first breast implant illness patient, who had clear labs and no symptoms aside from fatigue. When her hospital stay resulted in a shocking discovery at the lab, Dr. Rob started down a road he never expected to travel.

  • Episode 29: Healing Breast Implant Illness: Latest Research and Treatment

    August 3rd, 2023  |  8 mins 18 secs
    breast explant surgery, breast implant illness treatment, breast implants, breast surgery, dr. rob's solutions, explant surgery, explants, fat transfer

    Due to limited resources and research studies related to breast implant illness and considering that it remains to be unrecognized as an official diagnosis by many in the medical field, many patients suffering from the condition are left untreated worsening symptoms. Symptoms may include fatigue, joint pain, cognitive issues, and other systemic complaints.

    As we aim to continue raising awareness and advocating for more research on breast implant illness, we help shine a light on the experiences of affected individuals and help lead people to a better understanding of these potential health issues in the future. That is why it is important for us to discuss today’s treatment options for breast implant illness.

  • Episode 28: The Symptoms of Breast Implant Illness: How to Identify and Treat

    July 27th, 2023  |  16 mins 6 secs
    autoimmune responses, breast implant illness, breast implants, neural inflammation, neurological symptoms, research

    Breast Implant Illness is a point of concern and a topic of debate by many especially women, plastic surgeons, and medical professionals, as it can manifest itself in several symptoms. However, there are limited tools and resources for such a condition, which is why many people still don’t know much about it.

    It is thus crucial for us to understand the symptoms and other potential risks associated with breast implant illness. That is why we’re here to delve deeper into understanding the truth about breast implant illness. In today’s episode, we’ll discuss research, treatment options, and more information to educate more people and raise awareness.

  • Episode 27: The Truth About Breast Implant Illness: Research, Treatment Options and More

    July 20th, 2023  |  13 mins 32 secs
    breast explant surgery, breast implants, breast surgery, explant surgery

    Despite the cases involving breast implant illness, there is still a lack of research studies, clinical studies, and other resources regarding this matter. Recognizing the concerns raised, surgeons, medical practitioners, and other organizations have called for further investigation into breast implant safety and potential health risks associated with them, particularly regarding breast implant illness.

    That is why it’s important for us to discuss breast implant illness considering the fact that it’s been hard to characterize such a condition. We have to continue raising awareness to provide timely intervention and appropriate medical management, if necessary.

  • Episode 26: Autoimmune Disease, Inflammation and Breast Implants

    July 13th, 2023  |  15 mins 35 secs
    autoimmune disease, breast implant, breast implants, inflammation

    Autoimmune diseases are conditions where the body's immune system attacks its own healthy tissues, leading to chronic inflammation and other symptoms. And although there are case studies and research studies that link breast implants and autoimmune diseases, it is important to note that other factors should also be considered.

    As concerns continue to be raised, we deem it necessary to further shed light on such a controversial topic on how autoimmune diseases relate to breast implants.

  • Episode 25: Are There Any Risks or Complications Associated with Breast Explant Surgery?

    July 6th, 2023  |  9 mins 58 secs

    In our previous episodes, we mentioned a variety of reasons why patients decide to undergo breast implant removal. Regardless of the reason, it's crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of the potential risks or complications associated with this breast explant surgery.

    That’s why today’s episode is another important one. Knowledge of the potential risks allows individuals to make informed decisions about whether to proceed with the procedure and enables them to prepare and prioritize their health and safety.