Explant Breast Surgery & Recovery

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

111 episodes of Explant Breast Surgery & Recovery since the first episode, which aired on March 15th, 2023.

  • Episode 29: Healing Breast Implant Illness: Latest Research and Treatment

    August 3rd, 2023  |  8 mins 18 secs
    breast explant surgery, breast implant illness treatment, breast implants, breast surgery, dr. rob's solutions, explant surgery, explants, fat transfer

    Due to limited resources and research studies related to breast implant illness and considering that it remains to be unrecognized as an official diagnosis by many in the medical field, many patients suffering from the condition are left untreated worsening symptoms. Symptoms may include fatigue, joint pain, cognitive issues, and other systemic complaints.

    As we aim to continue raising awareness and advocating for more research on breast implant illness, we help shine a light on the experiences of affected individuals and help lead people to a better understanding of these potential health issues in the future. That is why it is important for us to discuss today’s treatment options for breast implant illness.

  • Episode 28: The Symptoms of Breast Implant Illness: How to Identify and Treat

    July 27th, 2023  |  16 mins 6 secs
    autoimmune responses, breast implant illness, breast implants, neural inflammation, neurological symptoms, research

    Breast Implant Illness is a point of concern and a topic of debate by many especially women, plastic surgeons, and medical professionals, as it can manifest itself in several symptoms. However, there are limited tools and resources for such a condition, which is why many people still don’t know much about it.

    It is thus crucial for us to understand the symptoms and other potential risks associated with breast implant illness. That is why we’re here to delve deeper into understanding the truth about breast implant illness. In today’s episode, we’ll discuss research, treatment options, and more information to educate more people and raise awareness.

  • Episode 27: The Truth About Breast Implant Illness: Research, Treatment Options and More

    July 20th, 2023  |  13 mins 32 secs
    breast explant surgery, breast implants, breast surgery, explant surgery

    Despite the cases involving breast implant illness, there is still a lack of research studies, clinical studies, and other resources regarding this matter. Recognizing the concerns raised, surgeons, medical practitioners, and other organizations have called for further investigation into breast implant safety and potential health risks associated with them, particularly regarding breast implant illness.

    That is why it’s important for us to discuss breast implant illness considering the fact that it’s been hard to characterize such a condition. We have to continue raising awareness to provide timely intervention and appropriate medical management, if necessary.

  • Episode 26: Autoimmune Disease, Inflammation and Breast Implants

    July 13th, 2023  |  15 mins 35 secs
    autoimmune disease, breast implant, breast implants, inflammation

    Autoimmune diseases are conditions where the body's immune system attacks its own healthy tissues, leading to chronic inflammation and other symptoms. And although there are case studies and research studies that link breast implants and autoimmune diseases, it is important to note that other factors should also be considered.

    As concerns continue to be raised, we deem it necessary to further shed light on such a controversial topic on how autoimmune diseases relate to breast implants.

  • Episode 25: Are There Any Risks or Complications Associated with Breast Explant Surgery?

    July 6th, 2023  |  9 mins 58 secs

    In our previous episodes, we mentioned a variety of reasons why patients decide to undergo breast implant removal. Regardless of the reason, it's crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of the potential risks or complications associated with this breast explant surgery.

    That’s why today’s episode is another important one. Knowledge of the potential risks allows individuals to make informed decisions about whether to proceed with the procedure and enables them to prepare and prioritize their health and safety.

  • Episode 24: Will I Have Scars After Breast Explant Surgery?

    June 29th, 2023  |  9 mins 4 secs

    The frequent concern that I get from patients is whether or not they will have scars after they have their breast implants removed, known as explant surgery. This is understandable because scarring is a common concern for those undergoing any type of surgical procedure.

    Women who have had prior surgeries or procedures may have already dealt with scarring and are aware of possible negative surgery effects, so they tend to inquire about potential scarring to understand how it might differ or compare to their previous experiences.

    Today, I’m here to answer that question to help you learn more about the aftermath of breast explant surgery, particularly regarding scars.

  • Episode 23: What is the Process for Having Breast Explant Surgery?

    June 22nd, 2023  |  9 mins 3 secs
    breast explant surgery, breast implant illness, breast implants, breast surgery
  • Episode 22: Is Breast Explant Surgery Covered by Insurance?

    June 15th, 2023  |  8 mins 2 secs

    Besides choosing a qualified plastic surgeon, there are those who also take into consideration the costs of breast explant surgery. In fact, one of the questions we frequently get is whether breast explant surgery is covered by insurance.

    Insurance coverage influences the decision-making process. Knowing whether or not such a surgery is covered by insurance helps individuals evaluate the costs and benefits before deciding if they are willing to proceed with the operation. In today’s episode, we’ll be talking about such insurance coverage and financial preparation.

  • Episode 21: How Long Does Breast Explant Surgery and Recovery Take?

    June 8th, 2023  |  8 mins 32 secs
    breast explant surgery, breast implants, breast surgery, explant surgery

    There are many reasons why women undergo breast explant surgery. Although some women do breast explant because they don’t want them anymore, some opt for breast explant surgery due to health issues or complications such as capsular contracture (scar tissue tightening around the implant), rupture, infection, or chronic pain.

    Knowing the expected recovery time gives people reasonable expectations regarding their healing process. It prepares them for the temporary limits and pain they may encounter during this period, which can help lessen worries. In today’s episode, we’ll be talking about how long breast explant surgery and recovery take.

  • Episode 20: Busting Free with Dr. Amanda Savage Brown

    June 1st, 2023  |  1 hr 4 mins
    breast explant surgery, breast implants, breast surgery, explant surgery

    Behind the fascination with augmented breasts is a complex truth that involves a number of experiences such as trauma and the necessity for explants or breast implant removal. While breast implants have provided benefits for many women, they have also been connected with major complications and traumatic experiences.

    In today’s episode, we are joined by Candice Barley, a breast implant illness patient advocate, and by Dr. Amanda Savage Brown, the author of Busting Free: How to Liberate Yourself from the Quest for Better Breasts Before, During, and Long After Explant.

  • Episode 19: A Breast Explant Journey: From Sickness to Restored Health with Candice Barley

    May 30th, 2023  |  1 hr 36 mins
    breast i'plant, breast implant illness, breast implants, neural inflammation, neurological symptoms
  • Episode 18: What are the Reasons for Having Breast Explant Surgery?

    May 25th, 2023  |  7 mins 21 secs
    breast explant surgery, breast implant illness, breast implants, breast surgery

    Breast augmentation or breast implant surgery has become a more popular surgical procedure throughout the years for various reasons. While it has many benefits, it also comes with potential risks such as capsular contracture, infection, breast implant illness, and more.

  • Episode 17: What is Breast Explant Surgery?

    May 18th, 2023  |  9 mins 16 secs
    breast explant surgery, breast implants, breast surgery, explant surgery

    Breast explant surgery or breast implant removal is a surgical procedure commonly done for various reasons such as implant issues, breast reconstruction, implant rupture, dissatisfaction with the appearance of the implants, or other cosmetic purposes.

    In breast explant surgery, the implants alone may be removed or the surrounding scar tissue may also be included. In some circumstances, a breast lift may be done with the explant procedure to enhance the look of the breasts.

    In today’s episode, we’re going to discuss what breast explant surgery is and why people want to undergo such surgery.

  • Episode 16: What are the Risks of Breast Implant Surgery?

    May 11th, 2023  |  12 mins 36 secs
    breast augmentation, breast implant illness, breast implants, mastopexy, risks of breast implants

    Although undergoing breast implant surgery has benefits, it also involves short-term and long-term risks like any other surgical procedure. There could be bleeding, infection, and scarring as short-term risks while for long-term risks, there are cases involving capsular contracture.

    Reasons as to why women get breast implants vary but more than that and the benefits of having implants, they should also be informed by their provider about the risks of breast implant surgery. That’s why I’m here to discuss breast implant surgery and the risks that come with it.

  • Episode 15: Can Breast Implants Cause Neurological Symptoms?

    May 4th, 2023  |  8 mins 28 secs
    breast implant, breast implant illness, breast implants, neural inflammation, neurological symptoms

    While breast implants or breast augmentation are generally considered safe and effective, there has been growing concern about their potential link to neurological symptoms. There have been several patients over the past years complaining about symptoms of neural inflammation such as brain fog, headache, sound sensitivity and light sensitivity.

    And that’s why we’re here to shed light on this topic. In this episode, we’ll answer the concern of many as regards breast implants and whether or not they can cause neurological symptoms.

  • Episode 14: Can Breast Implants Be Removed Safely?

    April 27th, 2023  |  14 mins 14 secs
    breast explants, breast implant removal, explant risks, implant removal